Category: PHOTO


Mõnda aega tagasi pildistasin ajakirja tarbeks suvise fotoseeria, mille tulemust saab näha siit. Idee oli sellega suve ja värve ülistada, iga pilt keskenduski ühele värvile. Kuna minu jaoks on alati põnev olnud näha/lugeda, kuidas mingisugused pildistamised toimuvad, mõtlesin, et jagan teiega seekord oma fantaasiapildistamise telgitaguseid.

Some time ago I had a photoshoot for a magazine, which you can see here. The idea  was to praise summer and colours, every picture focused on one colour. Since it has always been interesting for me too see/read how photoshoots are really done, I thought this time I will share the backstage of this one with you.

Pildistatavaks valisin armsa Emilia-Elizabethi, kellega jäin ülimalt rahule. Mulle oli oluline, et modell oleks rõõmsameelne ja särtsakas, et seda tunnetust ka piltidel edasi anda. Seda enam, et Emilia armastab värve ning tema riidekapis need domineerivadki. Valisin pildistamiseks koha, kus leidus läheduses mitu värviküllast seina, et saaksin tausta ja pildistatava vahel kontrasti tekitada.

As a model I chose the sweet Emilia-Elizabeth. It was important that the model would be fun and cheerful, because that was what I wanted to show on the pictures too. Emilia was a good choice, she also loves colours and her wardrobe consists of many of those. For the location I chose a place which had colourful walls all around – I wanted to make a contrast between model and background.

Antud pildistamise tegi huvitavamaks, aga ka keerulisemaks asjaolu, et otsustasime kogu stilistika, jumestuse ja soengud ise teha. See tähendas väga suurt organiseerimistööd, kuna palju lihtsam oleks olnud kutsuda jumestaja, juuksur ja stilist. Otsustasime siiski seekord kõik ise teha ning seega tuli meil otsida ühte värvi riideid, ehteid ja aksessuaare. Tuli välja mõelda meigi- ja soengupool. Tuli leida sobiv pildistamiskoht ning aeg. Tuli arvestada muutliku ilmaga. Samuti tuli valikuid teha. Ideid tekib sellise fantaasiasessiooni puhul ülimalt palju. Üks idee viib teiseni ja lõpuks on nii palju toredaid mõtteid, millest tuleb midagi konkreetset valida.

This photoshoot was interesting, but a bit more difficult to arrange since we decided to do the styling, make-up and hair all by ourselves. This meant a lot of organizing. It would have been easier to call more people to help, but this time we decided that we will do it all by ourselves. We had to search for the right clothes, jewellery, accesorize etc. We also had to plan the make-up and hair. We had to find the right place to take this shoot. We had to find the right time, because Estonian weather is very unpredictable. Also – we had to make choices. Fantasy sessions always give a variety of ideas, one idea leads to the other. I had so many ideas and had to narrow the selection a lot.

Kui plaan oli paigas, jälgisime pingsalt ilmateadet ning valisime ühe kuupäeva. Meil vedas, kuna kokkulepitud päeval oli ilm soe ja päikeseline. Pildistasime tegelikult õhtul, seega päike ei olnud enam nii ere.

When we had figured out the plan, we started to follow the weather  forecast and picked a date. We were lucky, because the day we picked happened to be warm and sunny. As we took the photoshoot in the evening, the sun wasn’t so bright anymore too.

Kuna olime valinud 6 erinevat komplekti, pidime need enne igat pildistamist kokku panema ning ka uue soengu tegema. Olime eelnevalt läheduses asuva restoraniga kokku leppinud, et saame vahepeal seal riideid vahetamas ja soengut muutmas käia, kuid pildistamise päeval ilutses uksel silt "suletud". Käiku läks varuplaan - riietevahetus toimus autos. Selles oli mõistagi vähe glamuuri, kuid kuna ilm oli soe, inimesi seal kandis üldse ei liikunud ja meil oli kõik eelnevalt läbi arutatud, ei seganud see väike plaanimuutus meid üldse. Emilia oli tubli ja pidas kõik ümberstiliseerimised vapralt vastu, endal naeratus näol. Kuna olime teinud väga täpse eeltöö, saimegi pildistatud paari tunniga.

Antud fantaasiapildistamise tulemust saab näha siit.

Minu fototegemistega saab kursis olla facebooki lehel: Anneli Loorits Photography.

Since we had 6 different outfits planned, we had to put them together before every new colour-theme. We had agreed with a restaurant nearby that we can change clothes and do make-up/hair there, but on that day a suprising „closed“ sign was on the door. The new plan was to change clothes in the car, which was less glamourous, but didn’t bother as at all. The weather was warm and sunny and there weren’t a lot people around. Emilia was very brave and had a smile on her face until the end of the shoot. Since we had done a proper groundwork, it only took a few hours to do the whole shoot.

See the final result of this photoshoot here.

You can follow me on facebook by clicking here: Anneli Loorits Photography.

