Category: REVIEW


Külastasin hiljuti vanalinnas asuvat restorani Art Priori. Oma kodulehel on nad kirjutanud nii: "Kunst on isiklik kogemus, erinevate meelte elamus – tunnete, mõtete, aistingute sümbioos. Kunst on vaikus – hetk enne hinnanguid, mil viinamari on hõrk maitse, ent mitte veel sõna." Tõepoolest, nii seintelt kui taldrikult vaatas vastu kunst ja seetõttu lihtsalt pean seda elamust jagama. Hoolimata, et saan selle teieni tuua vaid läbi mobiilipiltide. Fotograafide asi - isegi kui proovid kuskile ilma kaamerata minna, on alati midagi, mis väärib pildistamist. Art Priori ühendab kõrgtasemel kunsti ja toidu. Restorani interjöörist leiab gooti arhitektuuri eeskujusid. Kolmes söögisaalis on eksponeeritud väärtuslik originaalkunst. Menüüst leiab kaasaegseid põhjamaiseid toidutrende, puhtaid maitseid ning tervislikke kooslusi. Lugu peetakse hooajalistest värsketest toiduainetest ja maitserohelist kasvatatakse ise. Tähelepanuväärne on veel see, et ligikaudu poole menüüst moodustavad taimetoidud. Proovisin degustatsioonimenüüd, mis andis hea ülevaate erinevatest restoranis pakutavatest roogadest. Sai kogeda häid, huvitavaid ja kohati ka ebatavalisi maitseid ning kogu elamuspaketi pärast väärib restoran kohe kindlasti külastamist!

Lately I visited restaurant Art Priori, which is located in the old town. They have a statement on their website: "Art is a personal experience, a thrill for different senses – a symbiosis of emotions, thoughts, sensations. Art is silence – the moment before judgement when a grape is still a delightful taste but not yet a word." It's true, art is on the walls and also on the plates. This is why I have to share this experience with you, although that evening I only had my mobilephone to take photos with. It's a photographer's thing - even if you try not to take the camera with you, there's always something to take photos of. In Art Priori high-level art is elegantly combined with excellent food. The restaurant’s interior has the spirit of Gothic architecture. Art Priori has three separate dining halls and high value original art is exhibited in each of them. The latest Nordic food trends are followed with the focus primarily on fresh seasonal produce. Herbs are grown on the spot and what's more - half of the menu consists of vegetarian dishes. I tried the degustation menu which gave an overview of what this restaurant has to offer. I experienced good and interesting, but also unusual tastes and this is why this place is definitely worth a visit! 

 Jälgi mind / Follow me: Facebook / Instagram / Youtube

art priori


art priori


art priori


maal alfred hirv


art priori



tartar art priori



art priori





 Jälgi mind / Follow me: Facebook / Instagram / Youtube

