Category: REVIEW


2 .- 4. oktoobril toimus Läti pealinnas, Riias disainimess Design Isle 2015 (rohkem infot leiab siit). Suure disainihuvilisena võtsin sellest külastajana osa ning ühtlasi veetsin toreda nädalavahetuse Riias (selle kohta saab lähemalt lugeda ning pilte vaadata siit). Messil olid esindatud peamiselt Läti disainerite tööd, kuid leidsin sealt isegi ühe Eesti ettevõtja, kes pakkus toole. Põhilisteks teemadeks olid mööbel, rõivakunst, kangad ja ehted, kuid leidus ka näiteks disainrattaid, fotokunsti, graafikat jms. Vaadata ja mõtiskleda oli küllaga. Järgnevalt mõned leiud messilt.

On the 2nd to 4th of October, a design fair named Design Isle 2015 took place in Riga, Latvia (read more here). As a friend of design, I went there as a visitor and also spent a nice weekend in Riga aswell (read more about that and see photos here). Mainly Latvian artists were presented there, but I also found one Estonian company offering chairs. Main themes were furniture, clothing, textiles and jewellery, but you could also find design bikes, photography, graphic design etc. There were interesting things to see and think about. Next I will share some findings from the fair.

